Membership benefits

Benefits of ISH membership include:

  • Subscription to recent and new issues of Hamuli, the Society newsletter
  • Reduced Article Processing Charges for the Journal of Hymenoptera Research, the Society journal
  • Free registration to the following annual events:
    • Hymathon online symposium, held in the first half of each year
    • ISH Symposium, held in the second half of each year
    • ISH Business Meeting, held in the second half of each year
  • Reduced ISH Congress registration fees
  • Opportunities to present at annual Hymathon and ISH Symposia, and the quadrennial, international ISH Congress
  • Access to recorded symposia presentations (e.g., Hymathon 2021)
  • Networking opportunities, including virtual socials and an annual in-person social event at the Entomological Society of America meeting
  • Member Directory access, with options to customize your personal member profile
  • Student and ECP/ECR Manuscript Reviewer Database access
  • Opportunities to share your news, updates, and information via the Society’s Listserv, Twitter, and/or Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to participate in The Great Bycatch Migration
  • Forum access
  • Women of ISH (WISH) group activities, events, and resources
  • Opportunities for leadership and recognition

Students and Early Career Professionals/Researchers (ECP/ECRs) have access to additional Society benefits: