Hymathon 2022

Once again, the The International Society of Hymenopterists (ISH) proudly presents Hymathon, a 24 hour marathon of presentations relating to the order Hymenoptera!

31 March – 1 April 2022 (depending on time zone)

Held over Zoom, Hymathon will be separated into three sessions over multiple time zones. This year we also have a photo competition!

Make sure you submit abstracts by 1 March 2022.

More info and to register, head here!

New issue of Hamuli!

Get excited my hymenopterist friends, as the new issue of Hamuli, the society newsletter, is here!

Many thanks to our wonderful editor, Carly Tribull, for all her work putting the issue together.

You can find the new issue, along with previous recent issues, here (note you’ll need to be a logged-in financial member to view the page and download the pdf).

Postponement of the 2022 ISH Congress

Dear ISH members,

First of all I would like to thank those of you that participated in the survey on a potential postponement of the next ISH Congress. Yesterday, the ISH executive and the members of the organising committee of the ISH Romania Congress held a digital meeting to discuss the results of this survey. Of the 89 ISH members that participated, more than 2/3 (69,6%) were either in favour of postponing (43,8%) or were at least ambiguous about holding the congress in 2022 (25,8%). Only 28,1% of ISH members would prefer to have the ISH congress take place in 2022 as planned.

During our discussion, the vast majority of the ISH executive and the organising committee agreed with the overall response of ISH members and also expressed strong concerns about the potential risks of continuing the planning of the congress for 2022. We therefore decided to postpone the ISH Romania Congress until 2023. We will announce the exact dates in early 2022. Thereafter ISH will return to the normal congress cycle, i.e. the 11th Congress will be in 2026). On a more positive note, we also decided that we should have a special event in December 2022 to mark the 40th anniversary of ISH (in addition to Hymathon, scheduled to take place in March).

We hope to see you all in 2023 in Iași, Romania.

Best wishes

Lars Krogmann (ISH president), Mircea-Dan Mitroiu, Lucian Fusu and Ovidiu Popovici (ISH congress organising committee)

Hymathon2021 – awardees, and recorded talks

During Hymathon 2021, the ISH executive committee awarded the following:

ISH 2020 Distinguished Research Medal: Donald Quicke

ISH Service Award: Natalie Dale-Skey

Student Presentation Competition winners: Aymer Andrés Vásquez Ordóñez (Americas session), Jessa Thurman (Australasian session), Michael Haas (Europe, Middle East, Africa Session).

We hope you enjoyed presenting or attending #Hymathon2021. Please let us know how we can improve the next ISH online symposium by completing the brief survey at the link below.

In 2021, The International Society of Hymenopterists (ISH) proudly presented:

#Hymathon2021: a 24 hour marathon online symposium dedicated to all aspects of the order Hymenoptera!

Watch the recorded talks

#Hymathon2021: A 24 hour marathon of Hymenoptera

In 2021, The International Society of Hymenopterists (ISH) proudly presents:

#Hymathon2021: a 24 hour marathon online symposium dedicated to all aspects of the order Hymenoptera!

24 hours of Hymenoptera? What more could you ask for!?

Following the success of the 2020 online symposia, the ISH #Hymathon2021 will stretch across time zones to allow the participation of as many members as possible.

Beginning 6 May 2021, 19:30 GMT, Hymathon will start with a North, Central and Southern American session (ie, 6 May afternoon local time), leading into an Australasian session (ie, 7 May afternoon local time), and finishing with a European, Middle Eastern and African session (ie, 7 May afternoon local time).

Time zones getting you confused already? Don’t worry: all times will be confirmed closer to the date, along with a full program and Zoom links for the different sessions, keynote presentation and social gatherings. ISH will also be presenting the 2020 Service Award and 2020 Distinguished Research Medal during the symposium, as these were not awarded last year.

Present during #Hymathon2021!

We invite all ISH members to present a talk during #Hymathon2021, and particularly encourage students, early career members and researchers from a diverse range of countries to present. We encourage presentations on all aspects of Hymenoptera: behaviour, biology, systematics, biological control, evolution and more!

Talks are limited to one per presenter, and will be in 15 minute intervals (12 minutes for the presentation with 3 minutes for questions).

To register to either attend the conference and/or your interest in presenting a talk, please complete the registration form above. Please register talks by Thursday, April 22nd (your local time).

Note: You will need to be a financial member, and logged in to the website to register for the symposium.

Award nominations OPEN and a second virtual symposium

Dear ISH members,

  • The President of the Society is calling for nominations for the ISH Distinguished Research Medal and ISH Service Award (see details below). Nominations should be forwarded to the Secretary of the Society (n.dale-skey [at] nhm.ac.uk) by 30 March 2021, and will be submitted to a Selection Committee appointed by the President. The names of the recipients of the two ISH awards will be announced during an award ceremony at the end of the ISH 2nd Virtual Symposium
  • The Society’s second Virtual Symposium will be taking place on 6 May 2021 – with sessions taking place in several time zones; more information will be made available soon. Volunteers to help host/moderate the sessions and/or judge the students competition should contact the Secretary of the Society (n.dale-skey [at] nhm.ac.uk).

Best wishes,

Natalie Dale-Skey
Secretary, International Society of Hymenopterists

International Society of Hymenopterists Distinguished Research Medal

  • The medal is awarded to recognize outstanding research on Hymenoptera.
  • There is no restriction on candidates, beyond having made significant and distinguished research contributions to the study of Hymenoptera.
  • Candidates must be proposed by at least three Members  in good standing (i.e. who have paid their 2021 fees).
  • The nomination should include the name, curriculum vitae (including qualifications, career, distinctions and publications), and a statement of approximately 500 words explaining why the candidate merits the award.

International Society of Hymenopterists Service Award

  • The Award is to recognize service to the Society above and beyond what is considered a normal contribution by a Member to Society activities.
  • Any Member in Good Standing or previous Member of the Society is eligible for the award, including current members of the Executive Committee.
  • Candidates may be proposed by one or more Members in good standing (i.e. who have paid their 2021 fees).
  • The nomination should include the name of the nominee and a statement of approximately 300 words explaining why the candidate merits the award.

New issue of Hamuli is here!

Many thanks to Carly Tribull, our illustrious editor, for the final issue of Hamuli for 2020!

Find stories, photos and updates from ISH members inside, including a farewell from our outgoing president, Barbara Sharanowski, and a message from our incoming president, Lars Krogmann.

Find the new issue, along with all other recent issues, here.

Remember that you need to be logged in and a financial member to access the newsletters – being the start of 2021, you may need to renew your membership!

Student Prize Winners

Congratulations to our student prize winners from the 2020 ISH vitual symposia!

First Prize:

Cristina Vasilița, from University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” in Iași: A rare genus calls into question the morphological monotony of Trissolcus Ashmead.

Joint Second Prize:

Lucas Hearn, from Flinders University, South Australia: Temporal variation in parasite pressure: niche partitioning of seven parasitoids driven by host resource utilisation.

Ernesto Samacá, from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Systematics and evolution of different phytophagous strategies in Allorhogas (Braconidae: Doryctinae) and other gall-associated related genera

Honorable Mentions:

Jessica Awad, from State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart: The Perils of Platygaster

Marina Moser, from State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart: Ancient amber meets modern methods: Using micro-CT scanning to describe new species of Spalangiopelta from Baltic amber

Jonah Ulmer, from State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart: The Waterston’s Organ of Ceraphronidae: A morphological barcode to a cryptic taxon