2024 Elections


Dear ISH members,

The terms of most officers of the Society are coming to an end in early December this year and we are seeking suggestions for candidates for the following positions:

  • President-Elect (2 year term, followed by 2 years as President and 2 years as Past President)
  • Treasurer (4 year term)
  • Secretary (4 year term)
  • Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Hymenoptera Research (4 year term)
  • Student Representative (2 year term)

We are asking for suggestions, which may be yourself or a third party, of persons who you think would be suitable for the above roles. If you are interested in any of these positions and want to find more about what is involved, fee free to contact the current officers (see https://www.hymenopterists.org/about/the-current-executive-officers/).

Note that you do not have to check with potential candidates whether they would be interested in running, as this will be done by the Nominating Committee.

The slate of nominees shall be made available to the membership in early November, and a ballot shall be taken; candidates who receive the majority of votes cast per office shall be declared elected and will take office at the close of the Annual Business Meeting held during #Hymathon2024 on 5-6 December.

Please send your suggestions by 20 October 2024 to the following address: abigail.martens [at] sdstate.edu

The Nominating Committee:

  • Abigail Martens
  • Tomas Hovorka
  • Jill Oberski

For more information about the election process please see the ISH Constitution and Bylaws available at: https://www.hymenopterists.org/the-constitution/